FM54 Air Purifying Respirator

FM54 Air Purifying Respirator

FM50 Air Purifying Respirator

FM50 Air Purifying Respirator

C50 CBRN Twin Port Air Purifying Respirator


The Avon Protection C50™ protective mask shares key technologies with the U.S. M50/JSGPM (Joint Services General Purpose Mask) to provide maximum operational flexibility. It is capable of countering multiple threat scenarios, including chemical, biological, nuclear and radiological (CBRN) agents, toxic industrial chemicals (TICs), and toxic industrial materials (TIMs).

The U.S. Government has certain controls over the C50™ Air Purifying Respirator and prohibits the exporting, selling, transferring, transporting, or shipping of the product outside the U.S. This restriction applies whether the product is in its original form or has been incorporated into other items without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government, or as authorized by U.S. law and regulations. This product is subject to Export Administration Regulations (EAR) with a classification of 1A004.

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C50 CBRN Twin Port Air Purifying Respirator

The C50 twin port mask is NIOSH CBRN Cap 1 approved with the CBRNCF50 filter (TC-14G-0318), NIOSH 42 CFR 84 riot control CS/CN/P100 approved with the CTCF50 filter (TC-14G-0322) and NIOSH 42 CFR 84 P100 approved with the CFP100 filter (TC-84A-9233). The C50 meets the latest NATO military requirements.

CBRN Agent Resistance Requirement C50 Performance
Mustard (H) / Sarin (GB) 36 hours Greater than 36 hours
Soman (GD) / VX 36 hours Greater than 36 hours
Laboratory protection factor performance (sodium chloride) 2,000 Greater than 10,000
Re-breathed CO2 Less than 1% 0.8%
Inhalation resistance at:
30 l/min 5 mm WG 3 mm WG
95 l/min 15 mm WG 13 mm WG
160 l/min 25 mm WG 23 mm WG
Exhalation resistance at 160 l/min 30 mm WG 15 mm WG
Mask weight N/A 490 grams
NIOSH Visual Field Score (VFS) 90 96
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SKU C50 CBRN Twin Port Air Purifying Respirator
Brand Avon Protection